Join the Lexica Partner Program
Accelerating the path to fully automated enterprises.
Lexica stands out with its semantic capability, a unique feature that adds significant value to businesses. To harness and maximize the potential of this technology, Lexica introduces its Partner Program.
The Partner Program not only facilitates spreading awareness but also serves as a comprehensive ecosystem, uniting products, tools, and terms. This holistic approach ensures a positive environment for adopting, evolving, and fully leveraging Semantic AI technology. We're thrilled to unite technology leaders across industries and provide unwavering support at every step of their journey.
"Gartner predicts that by the year 2024, companies employing graphs and semantic approaches in natural language technology projects will experience a 75% reduction in artificial intelligence technical debt compared to those that do not."
Afraz Jafri, Analysis Director
Why the Partner Program
Lexica is an AI capable of creating comprehensive digital business software platforms, regardless of their complexity, by extracting business semantics directly from natural language descriptions of rules and processes.
This technology enables a complete transfer of business knowledge to a software application, shifting project leadership to business experts.
This disruptive innovation reshapes the software industry, offering business alternatives and growth opportunities in response to market demand, even before they become widely available, despite industry trends already hinting at them.
At Lexica, our goal is to team up with key partners across various industries, making the most of our competitive edge. Let's join forces to tap into the potential of a dynamic market that's on a steady growth path, all while putting our customers front and center.
Business Benefits
More efficient and effective business operations
Contribution to greenhouse gas emissions and climate change
Decreased data redundancy - enhancing data accuracy
Average time savings in
software building
Lower TCO
(Total Cost of Ownership)
Data privacy.
Lexica doesn't require large
volumes of data to train ML models
Types of Partners
We offer a suite of products/tools for every stage of software development across diverse partner memberships.
Role: Build & Sell
Lexica Preferred Software vendors who build software applications for their customer base. Focused on seeking DevTools 2.0 to build custom software.
Builds and Manages Intelligent Software Applications using native Lexica tools.
Maximizes Traditional Software Applications with the Lexica API Suite.
Role: End User
Global companies with strong IT departments that are interested in having a custom applications designed for their specific business needs.
Maximizes their own Software Applications with Lexica APIs and Intelligent Software Applications tailored to their own industry and business ecosystem.
Role: Recommend & Sell
Firms with more than 20 clients providing expert advice, support, and tech recommendations to their client base.
Helps Maximize their clients own Software Applications via Lexica APIs or Intelligent Software Applications tailored to their own industry with broad reach to other clients.
Can develop the applications or hire a Lexica Preferred Developer to build them.